
Castelnuovo: il Duomo

Il Duomo è stato ricostruito nel '400 sulla precedente chiesa romanica di San Pietro. Assunse forme rinascimentali, ma la moda seicentesca lo ridusse a tempio barocco, conservando solo la severa facciata.
Al suo interno si possono ammirare una pregevole pala di San Giuseppe di scuola robbiana ed il crocifisso ligneo del XV secolo, il "Cristo nero".


The Cathedral of Castenuovo was a little Romanic church dedicated a St. Peter and then in 1504 it was rebuilt in Renaissance Style.
During the XVII century the inside was changed into Baroque style keeping unaltered the stern façade in "pietra serena".
The inside, with a nave and two aisles divided by big columns, keep several works of art: a wooden crucifix of the XV century, a work of high artistic value, worshipped as "Black Christ"; an interesting glazed terra cotta of Della Robbia school, representing St. Joseph with two angels; a canvas representing the Holy Virgin with Saints James and Andrew attributed to Michele Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio.


Il Duomo di Castelnuovo

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